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The Season Ahead: Fall Maintenance Checklist

As the seasons shift, so do the needs of our buildings and their surrounding spaces.

While warmer temperatures continue to linger, the first week of fall has already passed. In the coming weeks, colors will change, leaves will fall, and the days will become shorter.

While the days may be shorter, a 2019 study shows that fall is the most productive season of the year. Here’s how you can ride that productivity wave and what tasks you should focus on to ensure your facility is prepared for everything that the fall season throws at you.

Though it may seem like fall is all about raking up leaves and disposing of them, a thorough cleanup is a proactive process that can offer a wide range of benefits for your facility and its inhabitants through safety, appearance, building protection, employee morale, and risk mitigation.

Let’s explore how these benefits align with the various tasks involved with a proper cleanup.

Leaf cleanup. It’s no surprise that the first task on your checklist is raking up those leaves and sticks. While it might seem like a no-brainer, people often overlook why it’s so important. Sitting leaves offer a damp surrounding environment, which provides an excellent habitat for mold growth. Allergy sufferers might find these mold spores are the culprit for worsening symptoms. In addition, these wet areas pose a slip-and-fall risk for those entering your facility. Since leaves fall over time, it’s best to routinely rake up and dispose of the debris throughout the season.

Windows and Seals. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heat that either escapes or enters windows accounts for roughly 30 percent of the energy used to heat and cool buildings. Rising energy costs mean you want maximum energy efficiency. Consider sealing gaps with insulation, sealing windows with caulk, investing in double-paned windows, and utilizing curtains that can create an insulating barrier between the cold windows and your warm office space.

Roof and Gutters. Checking rooftop areas and gutters for fallen leaves is an important maintenance task, as it ensures the functionality of your drainage system. Clogged gutters and drains can lead to water buildup and leakage.

Exterior Inspection. The fall season offers a good time to inspect your facilities’ external areas before the rain and snow arrive. Precipitation can fill these cracks and freeze, worsening conditions in the future. Replacing outdoor bulbs, putting outdoor furniture away, turning off water supplies to sprinkler systems and hoses, and inspecting trees around your property for potential risks are all critical tasks to ensure a safe, hazard-free facility.

HVAC check. The arrival of lower temperatures means windows stay closed; therefore, it’s vital to check your facilities’ ventilation system, as it controls everything from heating, circulating, and filtering the air. Maintaining good indoor air quality provides comfort for those in your building while also reducing the chance of illness due to harmful allergens. If it has been a while, consider having your system inspected. A professional technician should inspect the entire system, cleaning problematic areas while also replacing filters and verifying the system is running at maximum efficiency. Your HVAC system has been working non-stop during the previous months, and fall is the perfect time for a maintenance check.

Don’t think of fall as a season of chores; consider it an investment toward the safety, aesthetics, and overall success of your business. Through the implementation of these practices, you can create a secure environment that is both clean and welcoming to anyone who steps foot through your door.

A thorough cleanup is a proactive process that can offer a wide range of benefits for your facility and its inhabitants.

Ready to schedule your fall cleanup?